motifs truntum
Philosophy Motifs Truntum
Truntum derived from the word nuntun (guides) Motif truntum meaning love blossomed again. According to the story, this motif was created circa 1749-1788 AD when the Queen or Queen Kencono Berok (Consort of Pakubowono III) is ignored by her husband busy paying attention because his new concubine. Then the queen chose to get closer to the Giver of Life at night. When looking at the sky clear and starry, he got his inspiration. To fill the void, he began making batik work truntum shaped like a star. Hose long later, the king found the empress was batik a beautiful fabric. Day by day the king noticed empress and beautiful fabrics that are being made. Then came the return affection for the king on the queen. In addition, truntum motif also symbolizes loyalty. This motif is used when the wedding day by the parents of the bride. The hope is that love which will descend tumaruntum the bride and groom.
The use of Batik Motif Truntum now
Motifs is simple as sprinkling of small abstract flowers, a case of jasmine flowers, or like a star-studded sky. Batikmotif truntum usually used by parents bride on the wedding day. The hope is that love which will descend tumaruntum the bride and groom. Contained meaning "ngarsa ing sung tuladha", parents have to pass the test of love, to decent and must lead the bride into a new life. Parents bride hopes that love will tumurun tumaruntum the bride pride, the embodiment of the attitude of "tut wuri Handayani".
A circuit example and prayers of hope tersimbulkan through truntum motif. Motif truntum also implies growing and growing. Thus, the Javanese people always crave for any new families that have children who will soon be able to replace the previous generation. The new generation that will become the foundation of a new family every newly married to forward all the hopes and ideals of the family as well as the next generation of biological offspring inherit the properties of a new family. The variety of motifs Truntum between laim: Truntum Ukilo Tawu, Truntum Kunir Pitho, Truntum Bunthel, Truntum Bintang, and Truntum garuda
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