Motifs Sidomulyo

History and Philosophy motifs Sidomulyo

Basically third motif Sidomukti - Sidolmulyo Sidoluhur- this same basic design is only distinguished by its batik so the name is different. According to records in the Surakarta palace, batik and batik Sidomulyo Sidoluhur has existed since time Mataram Kertosuro XVII century. Motif patterned layer form with a white background whereas Sidomulyo called batik called batik Sidoluhur black background.

 Batik Motif Sidomulyo Batik motif derived from Mataram era that essentially Kartasura (background) was replaced with isen ukel by Sultan Pakubuwono IV. Batik is a type of batik motif Sidomulyo palace. This motif derived from Surakarta, Central Java. This motif including old motif typical of Surakarta, delicate, complicated and requires patience and diligence in the making.

Sido in Javanese means so or continuously, while Mulyo means noble. Sidomulyo batik cloth worn by both men and women groom during the wedding ceremony in the hope that one day the family that nurtured will continue to receive the glory. Though if they had been in life may have difficulty and complexity, but with prayer and effort painstaking and patient and persevering, then all difficulties will be overcome and they fixed or so (sido) awarded the glory, or if batik cloth is given or awarded symbolizes someone then this Award symbolizes sincere prayer and noble for the wearer.

Top Ornaments Illustrated Butterflies.   

 main ornament display of butterflies as a symbol of beautiful and high expectations. Butterflies are beautiful animals that shaped and beautifully colored, and can fly high as a symbol of hope that is flying high. Butterflies as well as birds, can represent the world's top high-flying and the wind, in the teachings of the four elements of life, the wind is a symbol of fair and humane nature are represented in white.     

Top ornament Butterfly's Wings 

Top Form Shaped Building or Throne Throne throne ornament depicts a high position and throne. Throne as a symbol of hope for the position and a high degree, the noble and respected a lot of people as well as a leader or king.

Top ornaments shaped Meru Meru

 is a mountain, an earth ground. A symbol of the mountain-shaped ornament pomp, grandeur like a great mountain and looks dashing despite looking from a distance, is derived from the teachings of the four elements of life known sangkan paraning dumadi or the origin of life, in addition to fire, water and air. In Hindu Javanese culture, Meru to describe a high mountain dwelling place of gods. Meru is represented by the color black, if unchecked will bring anger, if uncontrolled into the nature of everlasting prosperity.

 Top Ornaments Shaped Flower Flower as a symbol of beauty and beauty. Flower shapes are found in nearly every element used in traditional ceremonies because it has a good meaning. Flowers are plants that stuck in the ground or earth as a foothold, can be interpreted as something beautiful is firm and strong foundation as well as the handle of his life, as well as fixed interest lovely and powerful because its roots sticking closely, though buffeted by wind or other forces that could destroy.

Isen, Isen on the motif of the dots, a combination of points and lines, as well as lines to work filling ornaments and motifs, or fill in the fields between the motifs and ornaments. The isen on Sidomukti include: shredded the soft lines are lined up tightly as filler foliage, birds and so on. 

Cecekan the tiny dots meeting or tenuous that meets ornament field. Ukel the small circle that resembles perming and so on. Cecek Pitu ie accumulate points, seven in fruit usually circular. The color on the fabric Sidomukti Soga or brown is the color of the batik colors or classic as the original, which is referred to as the original which is an outgrowth Sidomulya white background motif derived from Kartasura Mataram era, replaced with background ukel by Pakubowono IV. At first Soga color instead of orange 


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