Motif s Wahyu Temurun

History and Philosophy Batik Motifs Wahyu Temurun

Batik motif tumurun revelation has been known since 1480 in the region of Jogjakarta, then spread to various regions. In each of these regions experienced growth tumurun revelation motif motif variation. In Jogjakarta, bird motif used is peacock. Peacock as a symbol of local Jogjakarta which shows the origin of the motif.

 While in Solo varying peacock motif with a phoenix, phoenixes are not local birds. Replacement of a peacock with a phoenix is due to the influence of Chinese culture which was then developing in Solo. Patterns in tumurun revelation motif has a meaning and a certain philosophy. Fly crown pattern that became the main motif symbolizes glory.

Describe his philosophy of hope that the users get directions, blessing, mercy and abundant grace of God Almighty. Hope to achieve success in reaching goals, position or rank. Meanwhile, in special cases such as a wedding, a blessing in the lives of these motifs implying a physically and mentally in household life, harmony and lasting happiness and preserved forever.

The depth of the meaning of the domestic life that makes the revelation motif tumurun been as specific motifs often worn in traditional Javanese wedding ceremony.
In the past, for the preparation of a pattern or motif must go through a process that is fairly heavy.

 The batik pattern makers willingly fasted 40 days and 40 nights before start preparing batik patterns. This makes the classical batik has a philosophical meaning and historical depth. Each pattern is created, lines and dots that make up the motif contains the prayer and hope of its own on the divine. There is also a revelation tumurun motif derived from derah Son Mangkunegaran.

 Batik is a court batik. Batik is commonly worn by the bride groom at the time Panggih. Revelation means of grace, tumurun means down, using this fabric the bride and groom get a gift from the Almighty be happy and prosperous life and got petunjukdari God Almighty.

recent developments, batik motif tumurun revelation can be used as men's shirts, women's skirts, jackets, blazers, and so forth. When sewing, be considered notch motive, not to form a crown or chicken / bird upside down. When subjected to reverse course, its meaning will be lost. It often happens crown mounted standing position like a sea horse, it is not very precise.


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