Motifs Sekar Jagad

History and Philosophy Motifs Sekar Jagad

Sekar Jagad Batik motif is one of Indonesian batik motifs. Inland batik comes from Solo and Yogya. On a white background, the meaning is the world map. "Kar" in Dutch means maps and "Jagad" in Javanese means the world, so that this motif also symbolizes the diversity both in Indonesia and around the world. Batik describes the kindness and shapes commonly used by the experts, smart people, shamans palace and palace. This motif contains the meaning of beauty and fairness so that other people who would be fascinated.

There is also assumed that the motive Sekar Jagad actually comes from the word dab universe. Sekar means flower and the universe is the world. Alloy said that reflected the name of this motif is a collection of worldwide interest. This was a repetition of geometric motifs in a way fried (paired side by side), which implies the beauty and grandeur of life in the world. This motif began to grow since the 18th century. Sekar Jagad motif is a motif that portray the life of the whole world and the average Sekar Jagad motif floral nuances.


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