
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2016

Motif Semen Romo

loading... History  and  Philosophy  Motif  Semen Romo Motif Semen interpreted as a depiction of the life of the spring (life developed or prosperous). The word "Semen" is derived from the spring means a part of the growth of the plant. Thus the motive Semen Romo always there ornament depicting plants or plants. There is also linking that this motif has to do with the story of Ramayana. There are several basic types of ornaments on the motives of semen. The first is related to mainland ornaments, such as herbs or quadruped. The second is related to the air ornament, such as eagle, birds and megamendung. While the third is the trappings associated with the sea or water, such as snakes, fish and frogs. The ornament type most likely has to do with understanding the Three Realms or Tribawana. This ideology is the doctrine of the three worlds: the world center of the human life, the world over the place of the gods and saints, as well as the underwater world where peop

Motif s Wahyu Temurun

History and Philosophy Batik Motifs Wahyu  Temurun Batik motif tumurun revelation has been known since 1480 in the region of Jogjakarta, then spread to various regions. In each of these regions experienced growth tumurun revelation motif motif variation. In Jogjakarta, bird motif used is peacock. Peacock as a symbol of local Jogjakarta which shows the origin of the motif.  While in Solo varying peacock motif with a phoenix, phoenixes are not local birds. Replacement of a peacock with a phoenix is due to the influence of Chinese culture which was then developing in Solo. Patterns in tumurun revelation motif has a meaning and a certain philosophy. Fly crown pattern that became the main motif symbolizes glory. Describe his philosophy of hope that the users get directions, blessing, mercy and abundant grace of God Almighty. Hope to achieve success in reaching goals, position or rank. Meanwhile, in special cases such as a wedding, a blessing in the lives of these motifs imp

Motifs Sidomulyo

History and Philosophy motifs Sidomulyo Basically third motif Sidomukti - Sidolmulyo Sidoluhur- this same basic design is only distinguished by its batik so the name is different. According to records in the Surakarta palace, batik and batik Sidomulyo Sidoluhur has existed since time Mataram Kertosuro XVII century. Motif patterned layer form with a white background whereas Sidomulyo called batik called batik Sidoluhur black background.  Batik Motif Sidomulyo Batik motif derived from Mataram era that essentially Kartasura (background) was replaced with isen ukel by Sultan Pakubuwono IV. Batik is a type of batik motif Sidomulyo palace. This motif derived from Surakarta, Central Java. This motif including old motif typical of Surakarta, delicate, complicated and requires patience and diligence in the making. Sido in Javanese means so or continuously, while Mulyo means noble. Sidomulyo batik cloth worn by both men and women groom during the wedding ceremony in the h

Motifs Sekar Jagad

History and Philosophy Motifs Sekar  Jagad Sekar Jagad Batik motif is one of Indonesian batik motifs. Inland batik comes from Solo and Yogya. On a white background, the meaning is the world map. "Kar" in Dutch means maps and "Jagad" in Javanese means the world, so that this motif also symbolizes the diversity both in Indonesia and around the world. Batik describes the kindness and shapes commonly used by the experts, smart people, shamans palace and palace. This motif contains the meaning of beauty and fairness so that other people who would be fascinated. There is also assumed that the motive Sekar Jagad actually comes from the word dab universe. Sekar means flower and the universe is the world. Alloy said that reflected the name of this motif is a collection of worldwide interest. This was a repetition of geometric motifs in a way fried (paired side by side), which implies the beauty and grandeur of life in the world. This motif began to grow since

motifs truntum

Philosophy Motifs Truntum Truntum derived from the word nuntun (guides) Motif truntum meaning love blossomed again. According to the story, this motif was created circa 1749-1788 AD when the Queen or Queen Kencono Berok (Consort of Pakubowono III) is ignored by her husband busy paying attention because his new concubine. Then the queen chose to get closer to the Giver of Life at night. When looking at the sky clear and starry, he got his inspiration. To fill the void, he began making batik work truntum shaped like a star. Hose long later, the king found the empress was batik a beautiful fabric. Day by day the king noticed empress and beautiful fabrics that are being made. Then came the return affection for the king on the queen. In addition, truntum motif also symbolizes loyalty. This motif is used when the wedding day by the parents of the bride. The hope is that love which will descend tumaruntum the bride and groom. The use of Batik Motif Truntum now Motifs is simple a

Motifs Kawung

Philosophy Motifs Kawung Batik motif Kawung have a meaning that symbolizes the hope that human beings will always remember his origin. Antiquity, batik motif kawung worn in the kingdom. Royal officials wearing kawung reflect his personal motif as a leader who is able to control the passions and conscience in order to maintain a balance in the behavior of human life. The history of the discovery of motif kawung this is when there is a young man from the village that has the appearance of an authoritative and respected among his people. Shortly because of the behavior of this young man who was very polite and wise, to make his name heard up in the kingdom of Mataram. The royal party was curious about the fame name of this young man, so diutuslah spying for invited this young man to the king. The telik sandipun managed to find this young man. Hearing that his son was invited by the king, making the mother feel moved and hung many hopes.  Mother advised that this young man can

Motifs Parang

History and Philosophy Batik Motif Parang Batik Parang is one motif that is the oldest in Indonesia.  Parang derived from the word "Pereng" which means the slopes. Perengan depicts a descending line from high to low diagonally. The composition of the motif "S" intertwine not symbolizes the unbroken continuity. the basic shape of the letter "S" is taken from ocean waves that illustrates the spirit that never goes out.  This is an original batik Indonesia that has existed since the days of the palace of Mataram Kartasura(Solo). Batik Parang meaning high and is of great value in philosophy.  Batik motif of Javanese batik motif basic oldest. Batik parang has meaning advice to never give up, like waves of the sea that never stops moving. Batik Parang also describes the common thread that never broke up, both in terms of the effort to improve themselves, the defense of the welfare, and the form of kinship. Batik Parang even describe the fabric that

Motifs Sidomukti

 History and Philosophy Motifs Sidomukti Sidomukti is one type of court batik, which is usually made from natural dyes Soga. Soga or brown color on the color of batik cloth batik sidomukti classic or original. Batik Sidomukti came from Solo, Central Java, with his motif are genuine and ancient. Sidomukti is development of motif Sidomulya white backgrounds coming from Kartasura Mataram era, replaced with background ukel by Pakubowono IV. Definition of batik Sidomukti translated from the original saying. Sidomukti derived from the word "sido" meaning be / become or continuously, and "mukti" meaning noble and prosperous. So understanding Sidomukti batik is to be glorious and prosperous. Batik motifs beginning with "sido" contains the hope that the desire can be achieved. Batik Sidomukti contains the hope of achieving happiness and unseen. Sidomukti batik usefulness is in traditional Javanese wedding ceremony, which is used at the stage of being washed

History of Batik

History of Batik Batik originated from the Javanese "amba" meaning to write and "point". While the meaning of the word itself refers Batik fabric with a pattern that is produced by the nightly material is applied onto the fabric to resist the entry of the dye. Historically, batik originated from a common ancestor, which was known since the seventeenth century were painted and written on palm leaves. At that time, the motif is still dominated by the shapes of plants and animals. In the history of batik painting style has developed from plants and stars, is slowly turning towards abstract motives, like motif that resembles a cloud, puppets, reliefs, etc. White cloth which is used as an ingredient when it is a material that is the result of homespun. Meanwhile, coloring materials in use consist of herbs that created itself. Such as noni tree, high, indigo, soga, then the material for soda is made from soda ash, as well as salts made from mud. Batik art itself is